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Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages. They have an internal body cavity (hemocoel) and an open circulatory system which employs hemolymph, a fluid that does not distinguish between interstitial fluid like lymph and oxygen carrying fluid like blood as in most vertebrates. They use a copper-based oxygen carrier molecule instead of the iron-based hemoglobin, which floats unbound around in the hemolymph and is not bound to blood cell proteins. They do not have a dedicated and separate branch of their circulatory system just to oxygenate; internal organs (and cells) are simply bathed in this fluid. Their nervous system is 'ladder-like' on their ventral surface, and their brains formed around the esophagus from fused segment nerve ganglia.

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14y ago

Arthropods have 3 main body parts: head, thorax- in the middle, and abdomen.

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How do they defend them selves??

What are arthropods defense structures?

Some arthropods can produce a smelly odor like a carabid beetle or some millipedes. Some will bleed a toxic blood to destroy their enemies.

How are endo and exoskeletons alike?

no arthropods have endoskeletons, completely different structures nothing like exoskeletons, exoskeletons are outer skeletons made of chitin only found on arthropods, endoskeletons are inner support structures like your skeleton, made of bone and/or cartilage.

What do aquatic arthropods exchange gases through?

Aquatic arthropods typically exchange gases through gills. Gills are structures that are rich in blood vessels and provide a large surface area for gas exchange to occur, allowing the arthropods to extract oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide.

What structure helps arthropods maintain water balance?

Malpighian tubules are the structures that help arthropods maintain water balance. These tubules are responsible for removing waste and regulating the concentration of solutes in the hemolymph, helping to conserve water in arthropods' bodies.

Most aquatic arthropods reproduce by?

Most aquatic arthropods reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs can be deposited on structures in the water or carried by the female until they hatch. Some aquatic arthropods also undergo complex mating rituals or behaviors before reproducing.

Do arthropods have structures for movement?

Certainly. Arthropods include insects, which have six legs, and arachnids which have eight legs, and crustaceans which have various numbers of legs, but they do all have legs, and they use them to move around. That is al lfor know

Why are arthropods called arthropods?

They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.

Are mammals part of the arthropods?

NO Mammals are not arthropods. Arthropods are insects.

The heart and arteries are key structures in which system?

circulatory system

Are Arthropods eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

arthropods are eukaryotic because arthropods are animals.

Why are milkweed bugs called arthropods?

They express the characteristics inherent to arthropods. All insects are arthropods. Not all arthropods are insects.