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New Year's Day - January 1

Celebrates the new year by having a first footer step over the threshold.

Twelfth Night - January 5

Celebrated the night before Epiphany, it is tradition to take down your Christmas tree to avoid having bad luck.

Candlemas Day - February 2

This day marks the middle of the winter season - from the shortest day of the year to the Spring Equinox. This day also celebrates the cleansing of Mary.

Valentine's Day - February 14

This day is celebrated with the giving of gifts, as well as writing verses of love in newspapers and magazines for your special someone.

St. David's Day (Wales) - March 1

St. David's day is to celebrate the man, Dewi Sant, who spread Christianity throughout Wales.

St. Patrick's Day - March 17

Though this is an Irish holiday, the English will also celebrate with parades and parties.

Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) - Day Before Lent - March/April

Many celebrate this day by eating pancakes, as the contain many ingredients that are inappropriate for lent.

Lent - March/April

The first day of lent is 40 days before Easter. Many people give up something they enjoy during lent.

Mothering Sunday - 4th Sunday of Lent - March/April

Mothering Sunday is a day where children generally honor their mothers by giving them a gift and a card.

Maundy Thursday - Thursday Before Easter - March/April

Remembered as the day Jesus had his last supper.

Easter - March/April

Many people go to church on this sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This day is also celebrated by the giving of eggs.

April Fool's Day - April 1

Much like other countries with this holiday, it is a day where people play practical jokes on each other.

St. George's Day (England's National Day) - April 23

Celebrating with parades, some people celebrate St. George who is said to have defeated a dragon.

May Day - May 1

This day is celebrated beautifully with may poles and flowers.

Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colours - Sometime in June

Trooping the Colours is celebrated every year with the British Army and the regiments of the Commonwealth performing a ceremony.

Wimbledon Tennis Tournament - Sometime in June

People attend the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.

Swan Upping - Third Week of July

Many celebrate this day by going to the River Thames and watching a procession of swans and traditional boats.

Notting Hill Carnival - Last Monday in August

On this day, there is a street festival that millions go to see and participate in every year.

Harvest Festival - On or Near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon

A day to celebrate the growth of crops on the land.

Halloween - October 31

A day where people dress up, bob for apples and have bonfires.

Burning Guy Fawkes

Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Day) - November 5

This day is in celebration of the failed gunpowder attempt to blow up the house of Parliament in 1605. It is celebrated with fireworks at night.

Remembrance Day - November 11

This day recognizes the end of WWI. Many people wear a poppy in their pocket in remembrance.

St. Andrew's Day - November 30

This is the celebrated national day of Scotland.

Advent - December 1-24

On the first 24 days of December, Advent celebrates the coming of Jesus.

Christmas - December 25

This day is celebrated by friends and family by giving gifts and going to a special Sunday service at church.

Boxing Day - December 26

Traditionally, this is the day that servants were able to celebrate Christmas, as they were serving their masters the day before.

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