

Best Answer

Cockroaches frequently:

1. carry disease

2. rapidly multiply

3. spread from household to household

4. contaminate food in kitchens and warehouses

5. they can make humans sick, from diseases they carry and their waste droppings

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Are there cockroaches in los angelos?

Are you kidding? Of course there are cockroaches in Los Angeles. If you get them keep them , they are very good pets and they will never harm you !

Is cockroaches in chocolate?

Yes there are cockroaches in chocolate, however not enough to harm you, as a matter of fact its inevitable that there are cockroaches in chocolate. Source: A friend who works at a chocolate factory and research (Google).

What to baby cockroaches?

Gee, what a good question. It might be simpler to ask, what ARE baby cockroaches. But nobody knows the answer to that question, either. So, what to baby cockroaches? First, start out with a generously proportioned sedan in either black or white. Second, get a whole mess of baby cockroaches. Third, fill the sedan with concrete cinder blocks. Fourth, forget about the cockroaches. This is all about the sedan at this point. Make sure when you put the cinder blocks in, you don't scratch, scuff, or in any way harm the upholstery. So that's what to baby, cockroach!

What harm do cockroaches cause?

They cause Spattergroit. For more info, google it!

Why do cockroaches crawl on walls and ceilings?

Cockroaches put distance between them and human, thereby, creating a safety zone which may protect them from harm.

Do male cockroaches eat their babies?

Cockroaches also called by many "waterbugs", will eat each other. When I had pet Tokay lizards, I would feed them cockroaches. They are vulnerable to be cannabalized when they are shedding their outer skin (exoskeleton). An acquaintance of mines told me that in the South his teacher told them not to harm them, because they ate roaches.

Can Muslims get tattos?

No because it harms the body and Islam does not allow any harm. Something like tattos were at the time of mohammed (PBUH) and were not allowed. I hope that answers your question!

How can violence harm people?

The real question is "How Can It Not Harm People"

Why does answers not answer what you want?

There are a number of reasons. Maybe what you want is not clear. If you can't say what you want clearly, it will be difficult for the rest of us to understand it. Maybe you want something that is wrong. We won't tell you how to commit crimes, harm yourself, or harm other people. Or maybe a vandal or troll answered your question.

Is it do harm or make harm?

The answer for that question is DO HARM. Try to put both words in a sentence,which one sounds better? Do harm must sound better. Make harm just makes no sense.

What is a harmful question on WikiAnswers?

A question that might harm a person by giving out personal information such as phone number, real name, etc. Or a question that gives out information about something that could possibly harm someone or something.

How does the nspcc help children?

NSPCC is a national charity based organization, or Voluntary Organisation. The NSPCC is the UK's leading charity, specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. The NSPCC aims to prevent children suffering significant harm as a result of cruelty, protect children who are at risk of such harm, help children who have suffered cruelty to overcome its effects and work to protect children from further harm. Hope this answers the question =D