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Their foot

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Q: What are the characteristics that biologists use to classify mollusks?
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What characteristics could marine biologists use to classify manatees?

coloring and size

What method do biologists apply to identify and classify organisms?

Biologists use a system called taxonomy to identify and classify organisms. This system categorizes organisms based on shared characteristics and genetic relationships. By examining an organism's physical traits, genetic information, and evolutionary history, biologists can assign it to a specific group in the taxonomic hierarchy.

What do biologist NOT use to classify organisms?

Biologists do not use physical appearance alone to classify organisms. They also do not use common names, as these can be misleading and vary between regions. Additionally, biologists do not use a single characteristic or trait to classify organisms because diversity among species can make this method unreliable.

How can you classify various sustances?

we classify the objects on the basis of certain characteristics favorable for us. we use different characteristics to classify the different types of the objects into groups.

What characteristics do scientists use to classify viruses?

their genome

Which characteristics do scienctists use to classify cnidarians?

from other animals they get it

What broad characteristics do biologists use to group living things into kingdoms?

Biologists group living things into kingdoms based on fundamental characteristics such as cell structure, mode of nutrition, and reproduction methods. These characteristics help categorize organisms into broad groups that share common features.

What characteristics are used to classify organisms?

they use genus and dichotomous keys

Why do biologists classification?

Biologists use classification so that they can keep track of living things. This is how they are able to record information on all the many species that live on Earth.

Do biologist use age to classify organisms?

No. They use the structural characteristics of the organism physically and genetically.

What traits characteristics do scientist use to classify stars?

Because of the greenhouse effect.

What are some of the characteristics scientists to use classify organisms?

color shape texture size.