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Large, brightly coloured, may have additional markings in UV that we cannot see but insects can. The flower may be very deep so only insects with the correct tongue length can get to their nectar, and their pollen is only transferred to flowers of their own species.

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Q: What are the characteristics of petal in insect pollinated flower?
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Related questions

Are petal wind or insect pollinated?

Petals are both wind pollinated and insect pollinated, not one or the other. Insect pollinated petals are large and brightly colored while wind pollinated petals are small and brown or green in color.

When a flower is pollinated a grain of pollen falls on a what?

When a flower is pollinated, a grain of pollen falls on the stigma, which is the tip of the female reproductive structure called the pistil.

What parts of the flower attract insect?

colourful petal

How does a petal help a flower?

Petal helps attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to the flower through their bright colors and fragrances. They also protect the reproductive parts of the flower, like the stamen and pistil, and assist in seed dispersal once the flower has been pollinated.

Is a flower petal alive after being plucked according to the characteristics of life?

No, it has no way of excretion.

What is the different in pollen at wind and insect pollination?

Wind-pollinated plants produce small, lightweight pollen grains that are easily dispersed by air currents. These pollen grains are often smooth and non-sticky. In contrast, insect-pollinated plants produce larger, stickier pollen grains that can adhere to insects and be transported between flowers.

What is the definition of petal?

A petal is on the flower there is your obvious answer

What company has a 7 petal flower logo?

Petal Flower Company has a 7 petaled flower logo.

What does the name petal mean?

petal means to either a flower petal or a petal on a bike

Use the word petal in a sentence?

She gently plucked a petal from the flower and watched it float down to the ground.

What is homophone for peddle?

petal (i.e. flower petal)

How do you know if a plant is pollinated by insects?

Checking for the presence of insect visitors on the plant's flowers is one way to determine if a plant is pollinated by insects. Additionally, observing the morphology of the flowers, such as being brightly colored or having a strong fragrance, can suggest insect pollination. Finally, monitoring the reproductive success of the plant, such as producing seeds or fruits, can also indicate insect pollination.