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the 8 groups of invertebrates are the arthropods, poriferans, platyheminthes, coelenterates, nematoeds, mollusks, echinoderms, and annelids

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Q: What are the characteristics of 8 groups of invertebrates?
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What is the 8 groups of invertibrates?

The 8 groups of invertebrates are as follows: PoriferaCnidariaNemathelminthesPlatyhelminthesAnnelidaArthropodaMolluscaEchinodermata

Where are the habitat of 8 groups of invertebrates?


What are some characteristics you think scientists use to classify vertebrates and invertebrates into groups?

The presece of a vertebrate.

What groups can invertebrates be divided into?

Invertebrates can be divided into 5 groups. Insects Arachnids Crustaceans Worms Molluscs

What are the 8 groups of invertebrates animals?

mosquito,snake,ant,butter fly,clamps,jelly fish, and scorpion

What characteristics are in the invertebrates?

they do not have back bones

Why are shells important to some invertebrates groups?

shells are important to some invertebrates groups because for some of them, that's their home

What two categories are animal divided?

you can put them in any groups, but the 2 main groups you are looking for are called = invertebrates and invertebrates (vertebrates have bones and invertebrates don't have any bones)

What are the two first groups organisms was placed in?

The two first groups of organisms were placed in the categories of plants and animals. This system of classification based on physical characteristics was established by Aristotle in ancient Greece.

Characteristics of invertebrates?

They don't have a backbone / spine.

Give the characteristics of the invertebrates?

They do not have a backbone / spine.

Animal groups what 2 groups can animals be put into?

vertebrates and invertebrates