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Jayda Quigley

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Q: What are the English and foreign of plurals of octopus?
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What is a foreign plural?

Some nouns in English are borrowed from other languages like Latin and Classical Greek. Their pluaral forms are referred to as '''''foreign plurals.''''' -grade 6 ba'ash 2010-2011

What is the form of octopus's?

The plural of Octopus is Octopuses. Octopodes is also acceptable but rarely used. The common misconception that the plural is octopi comes from the incorrect assumption that Octopus is a Latin word, it is in fact Greek.According to the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary, "the standard plural in English of octopus is octopuses. However , the word octopus comes from Greek and the Greek plural form octopodes is still occasionally used . The plural form octopi, formed according to rules for some Latin plurals, is incorrect"

What are the rules in foreign nouns?

Foreign nouns in English typically follow the same rules as native English nouns. This includes forming plurals by adding "-s" or "-es", and using articles and adjectives to modify them. Some foreign nouns may retain their original plural form, but usually, they conform to English grammar rules when used in sentences.

What is the foreign plural of octopus?


What do you call more than one octopus?

The standard English plural of octopus is octopuses. However, the word octopus comes from Greek, and the Greek plural form is octopodes ( |äkˈtäpəˌdēz|). Modern usage of octopodes is so infrequent that many people mistakenly create the erroneous plural form octopi, formed according to rules for Latin plurals.

What is foreign plural and English plural of octopus?

There are several plural forms of the word octopus: Octopuses is the most often used form cited in references in the US, but other forms are accepted such as octopi and octopodes.

What is the foreign plural and English plural of octopus?

There are several plural forms of the word octopus: Octopuses is the most often used form cited in references in the US, but other forms are accepted such as octopi and octopodes.

What is the foreign plural form of octopus?


What is 'octopus' when translated from English to Italian?

"Octopus" in English is piova, polipo or polpo in Italian.

Why add s to make plurals?

It is a common rule of the English language.

Why you use s and es in English grammar?

so you can make plurals

What is the plural noun for octupses?

The word octopuses is a plural for for the singular octopus. Another plural form is octopi. Both plurals are accepted and in most dictionaries.