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The eastern lubber grasshopper lives in the southeast and central region of the United States. This grasshopper is poisonous to many animals. Its main predator is the shrike.

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Q: What are some predators of the eastern lubber grasshopper?
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Related questions

How many predators does a grasshopper have?

Grasshoppers have quite a lot of predators, and their predators are usually insectivores. Here are some examples of grasshopper's predator, especially insectivores: a.) Lizard b.) Frog c.) Small Insectivorous Birds d.) Dragonfly e.) Spider f.) Beetle (Some, especially bigger beetle species) g.) Pseudoscorpion h.) Wasp (Some, especially huge wasp species) i.) Bat (Some, especially huge bat species j.) Pig

How do you take care of a grasshopper?

visit websites and learn about grasshopper's to take care of grasshoppers

How long do grasshopper live for?

some of grasshopper live long at the forest and so on

How is the color of a grasshopper an adaptation to where it lives?

The green color of a grasshopper helps it blend in with the surrounding vegetation, providing camouflage from predators. This adaptation allows the grasshopper to remain unseen and better protect itself in its natural habitat.

Which predators eat tadpoles?

Predators that eat tadpoles include fish, birds, reptiles (such as snakes and turtles), and some invertebrates (such as beetles and dragonfly larvae). These predators contribute to the regulation of tadpole populations in their ecosystems.

What are the predators of the Eastern bluebird?

The eastern bluebirds has many natural enemies like snakes, falcon, cats and other predators. And the eggs can be eaten by jays and snakes and raccoons.

What are facts about grasshopper?

grasshoppers are mostly herbivores.A grasshoppers diet consists of a variety of plants, some prefer grass.A grasshopper can be 1/2in to 1in long but some are much larger.the grasshopper never dies of old age

Is The Ant and the Grasshopper A Traditional Story?

Yes. In the story the grasshopper was being lazy to get food for the winter but the ant collected food for the winter. At the end the grasshopper had to ask the ant for some food.

Why are you starlte when a grasshopper suddenly jumps out of a green plant?

When a grasshopper jumps suddenly out of a green plant, it is likely to startle some people. This is because the grasshopper blends in with the plant and is not noticed until it jumps.

Is there a meaning if there is always a grasshopper around?

There is not significant meaning to having or seeing a grasshopper, though some might interpret it to mean something.

What is the origin of the phrase use it wisely grasshopper?

I believe it comes from the Aesop's Fable, "The Ant and the Grasshopper." The ant toiled hard all summer, preparing for the coming winter so that he would have plenty of food, while the grasshopper idled. When winter came the grasshopper had no food and was starving to death. The ant was kind enough to give the grasshopper some of his food, and said, "Use it wisely, Grasshopper."

Why do they call some chocolate and mint flavored foods grasshopper and is or was there ever grasshoppers in it?

It is colored like certain grasshoppers, but has absolutely no grasshopper animals in it. There is also an alcoholic drink called the Grasshopper, for the same reason.