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Escargot. (The T at the end is not pronounced: Ess Car Go)

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Q: What are snails called in Paris?
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Do they eat snails in Paris?


What is a famous Paris places?

Snails are very popular in Paris and France in general.

What do people from Paris France eat?

frogs and snails!

What is rearing of snails called?

rearing of snails is called heliciculture

What are some things you can smell in Paris France?

You can smell...... snails, polluotion and metal

What are dishes that people in Paris eat?

escargot[es-car-go(snails)] and croissants

What is Paris' most interesting food?

In my opinion it is interesting that people would eat snails, and be proud of it.

What types of food do they have in Paris?

lots of very good wines and snails that's all i know

What are the differences between male and female snails?

Male and female snails can be distinguished by their reproductive organs. Male snails have a reproductive organ called a penis, while female snails have a reproductive organ called a vagina. Additionally, male snails may have a slightly different shell shape or size compared to female snails.

What is a famous french thing?

Paris, the eiffel tower, baguettes, croissants, wine, snails, frog's legs.

What is the study of snails called?

The study of snails is called malacology. It is a branch of zoology that specifically focuses on the study of mollusks, including snails.

What is the difference between male and female snails?

Male and female snails can be distinguished by their reproductive organs. Male snails have a reproductive organ called a penis, while female snails have a reproductive organ called a vagina. This difference allows them to mate and reproduce.