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Q: What are sand worms?
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Do all kinds of worms survive in sand?

Most worms will survive in sand, but not all.

How many species are there for sand worms?


What eats sand worms?

Sand worms are marine organisms typically found burrowing in sandy seabeds. They are preyed upon by various predators, including fish, seabirds, and crustaceans. These predators locate and feed on sand worms by digging them out of the sand or catching them when they come out of their burrows.

Where do worms hide?

* Oligochaeta annelids hide in the soil or in the sand. * Polychaeta annelids hide in the sand or inside their shell (the ones who have a shell). * Hirudinidaannelids (leeches) hide under stones and plants. * Kinorhyncha (mud dragons), gnathostomulida(jaw worms), sipunculida (peanut worms) and echiura(spoon worms) hide in the sand. * Turbellaria flatworms, priapulida (penis worms) and nemertea (ribbon worms) hide in the sand and under stones.

How do you defeat the sand worms in Zelda phantom hourglass and how many are there?

The sand worms normally cannot be harmed unless you place a bomb on the floor of the sand, after doing this run to a part of the floor that isn't sand and the worm should eat the bomb and be destroyed in one hit.

Do crabs eat sand dollars?

No, sand dollars mainly eat small worms and algae.

What do porgy fish eat?

They like sand worms for one.

Can worms live in clay?

Worms want to be wet. Dry will kill it. It could live in muddy sand but hot sand will kill it. So I would say not really.

What species keeps Barbara and Adam from leaving the house?

Sand worms.

How do meal worms react to soil gravel and sand?

They respond negatively.

What does scup eat?

Feeds on amphipods, worms, sand dollars and young squid

What does an Atlantic sand crab eat?

Moslty marine worms and bivalve mollusks