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Clean the House, Give her a loverly poem,, Most important tell her that you love her :)

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Q: What are nice things to do for your mum?
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How do you make your mum nice to you?

by listening to her

What is the pronoun to this sentence When your mum makes bread it is nice to eat it warm?

When your mum makes bread it is nice to eat it warm - it is a pronoun. Here, it stands for bread.

When is your mum going to meet a nice man?

She will find a nice man when she's good and ready.

How do you deal with a mum?

tell the truth with her and if u be nice to her she will be nice to you. Tell her what you don't like or you do like then it makes it even better so then mum will under stand what u are under standing

How can you convince your mum and dad to get you black ops?

be nice to them and persuade them, ask them.

How do you kill real monsters?

don't kill your mum that's not nice :)

What can you make mum for Christmas?

make her a nice card or get a nice photo of you and her and put is in a photo frame and chocolates

How do you make your mum let your girlfriend sleep over?

be nice to ur mum all the time , if ur nice enough , she will allow u to let ur gf stay , and have sum quality time ;)

Can a mom be jealous of her own children and why?

Yes she can, if her daughter has things that the mum didn't happen in her time; these are sometimes due to circumstances. Although a mum could also be jealous as a daughter has designer clothes or make-up, jewellery etc, however it is nice to compliment one another.

What nice things begin with a?

Accomplishments and achievements are nice things. Acquittal, admiration and agreement are nice things.

Who was the last human to leave the moon up to now?

me and your mum had a nice time with the stars :)

How do you get your mum to buy you nice things?

Well there are 4 main steps to this question. Step 1 . Think what you have done wrong or why your mum hasn't bought you nice things (maybe simply can't afford it. If this is the case There's not much you can do about it, but many these steps will help.) Step 2 . Respect, respect your mum and her reasons for not buying you things, if it's because your not responsible enough to have nice things, then show your responsible. Tidy your room, do the washing, help with the tea; and most importantly DON'T MOAN! this is what mum's hate. If you don't have the ability to help with the tea or wash up e.c.t try and do what you can around the house to help out. Step 3 . Try to tell your mum about what you want, subtly. Or if your that kind of person just ask her straight (whats the worst that could happen... a no) Step 4 . This is the final step, and probably the most important, respect your mums final answer , and if it is a no, don't moan or nag.. because maybe next time you ask it might be a yes! :) Enjoy these steps and hope they work out. But remember this might take quite a long time if you want something expensive (if things are spelt wrong, or w.e. sorry, I'm dyslexic.