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Little whips are flagella that help pump water through the pores for food.

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Q: What are little whips that move through the sponge?
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How does a sponge move water through its body?

The sponge uses the choanocytes to move a steady current through its body.

What are pool whips?

pool whips are flexible hoses that move around the bottom of the pool to move dirt and alea towards the filter. They move from the force of the water spraying out of them.

What are the specialized cells that use flagella to move a steady current of water through a sponge?


How do yellow sponge tubes move?

when they are young they move to attach to another sponge but when they attached and are full grown they don't

What drives the flow of water through a sponge?

the sponge absorbs water, and keeps it in. if you rotate or tilt it, the water will move because of gravity.

What are cells that can move around inside a sponge and can also change shape?

The cells that can move around inside a sponge and change shape are called amoebocytes. These cells play a crucial role in various functions within the sponge, such as digestion, nutrient transport, and regeneration. Amoebocytes are capable of moving through the sponge's body and transforming into different cell types as needed.

What is the name of the hair-like structures on a sponge cell that moves back and forth to help move water or nutrients or waste through the canal?

The hair-like structures on a sponge cell that move back and forth to help move water or nutrients or waste through the canal are called flagella. These structures create a current that allows for the circulation of water and the uptake of nutrients in sponges.

How can red blood cells move through blood vessels so easily?

They move easy because they can bend a little and fold a little. So that they can squeeze through.

How does cilia help the sponge larvae?

Cilia on sponge larvae help with swimming and feeding. The beating motion of the cilia propels the larvae through the water and helps them capture food particles to eat.

How does the orange puffball sponge eat?

The orange puffball sponge is a filter feeder, meaning it traps tiny particles from the water that passes through its body. It uses its flagella to generate water currents, bringing in plankton and other small organisms that it feeds on. Once trapped, the particles are engulfed by specialized cells called choanocytes.

Tiny hair extensions that can move together like whips?

ether the cilia, pharynx or the bronchi

What are some key facts about sponges?

Facts From : Staight a student ok here are the answers....System TypeSponges SystemMuscular-SkeletalA sponge is a hollow tube with many pores or openings. The skeleton is made of lime or silicon.DigestionA sponge takes in food via the water that flows through the pores.NervousA sponge has a very low level reaction to the world around it and does not have a brain per se.CirculationA sponge has water flow in through the pores. The water contains the food and oxygen the sponge needs.RespirationA sponge takes in water through its pores and in more advanced forms, with canals that move the water to all throughout the sponge. Then the oxygen from the water is used.ReproductionA sponge reproduces by budding and also sexually.ExcretionA sponge has carbon dioxide and other wastes removed as the water moves in and out through the pores.SymmetryA sponge has either radial symmetry or is asymmetrical.ColorationA sponge is white, red, orange, green, yellow, brown, purple, black (colors)