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Q: What are leaf beetles' predators?
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What are the predators of bess beetles?

Bess beetles have many predators like turkeys woodpeckers and spotted salamanders

What do leaf beetle eat?

Leaf beetles feed on leaves of different trees and plants, including elms, willows, viburnum, and vegetable plants. Because there are over 35,000 species of leaf beetles, most species prefer a specific type of plant. There are leaf beetles that eat leaves from potato, beans, asparagus, and many other plants.

Where do Mexican Bean Beetles live?

Mexican Bean Beetles live under leaf litter.

What are the predators of cricket?

Spiders, some wasps, ground beetles, birds, small rodents and lizards are cricket predators.

What do willow leaf beetles eat?

willow leafs

Where do elm leaf beetles live?

In the deciduous forest

What are Bess beetles predators?

Some of the predators of the Bess beetle are woodpeckers, turkeys, and the spotted salamander. Other animals that prey on Bess beetles are toads, opossums and the hognose snake.

What are leaf bugs' predators?

There are many varieties of leaf bugs but their predators are other carnivorous insects, reptiles and birds.

What are predators of the water beetles?

i tthink it is probably fish but i could be wrong

What are the predators of the gatekeeper butterfly caterpillar?

the predators are:snakes,birds,spiders\turantulas,jumper fish,frogs,toads,and fretai beetles.

Are ground beetles herbivores?

Some are omnivores, eating both plants and animals. Species like the Leaf Beetle, Longhorn Beetles and Weevils feed on only plants, whereas species such as Ground Beetles and Rove Beetles are carnivores.

What are types of beetles?

They a kinds of beetles in names like scarab beetle, leaf beetle, tiger beetle, flour beetle. Does this help? Hope it does! :D