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Ganglia are nerve clusters. I don't know if flatworms have them or not; if they do, they probably function more or less like a rudimentary brain.

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Q: What are ganglia and what do they do in flatworms?
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Some flatworms have clusters of nerve cells that control the nervous system each cluster is called?

Some flatworms have clusters of nerve cells called ganglia that control their nervous system. Ganglia are distributed throughout the body and help coordinate the flatworm's movements and responses to stimuli.

What is visceral ganglia?

Visceral ganglia refers to a pair of ganglia in mollusks, oysters, and other shellfish that are fused to or close to pleural ganglia because of pleurovisceral connections.

Parasympathetic ganglia are also called what because of their location?

terminal ganglia P.S. 100%, i am a teacher.

What are facts about flatworms?

facts about flatworms

What are the collection of nerve cell bodies inside the CNS?

These collections are called ganglia. Ganglia often interconnect with other ganglia to form a complex system of ganglia known as a plexus.

Do all animals have the ganglia?

no only insects and worms have a ganglia

What is the autonomic ganglia of the parasympathetic system are called?

The autonomic ganglia of the parasympathetic system are called terminal ganglia or intramural ganglia. They are located near or within the target organs, allowing for more localized and specific control of parasympathetic functions.

Are flatworms Invertebrate?

Yes flatworms are invertebrates

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What are the ganglia in a cockroach?

There are 12 major groups of CNS ganglia (ganglions) in a cockroach: - 3 in the head: supra-oesophageal (cerebral) ganglia sub-oesophageal ganglia circum-oesophageal connectives - 3 in the thorax: prothoracic ganglia mesothoracic ganglia metathoracic ganglia - 6 in the abdomen: first through fifth abdominal ganglia (fused from pairs) sixth abdominal ganglia (fused from a group) The cockroach central nervous system has a double ventral nerve cord in the thorax and abdomen.

What is the scientific name for the phylum of flatworms?

Flatworms are in the Platyhelminthesphylum.