These are types of ants - army ants and carpenter ants. Army ants are known for their aggressive behavior and large colonies that move together in search of food. Carpenter ants are known for building their nests in wood by excavating galleries, but they do not consume the wood as termites do.
Army ants are the name given to several species of aggressive ants. The worker ants produce pheromones to keep army ants marching.
Army ants eat crumbs
Army ants includes over 200 species and are part of the subfamily ecitoninae. Army ants belong to the formicidae family.
ARMY of ants
an army of ants
ants grow up to be 1cm
The main weapons of all the army ants are their jaws, especially the very large jaws of the major soldiers. There are several subfamilies of army ants, and some of subfamilies have stings as well. Some of the African army ants do not have stings and others do. The American army ants (Eciton) all have stings.
The army ants are often called the driver ants because they lead the others when they are either building something or migrating.
Army ant travel in two lines because there are male and female army ants
A Long Line Of Ants is called an Army of Ants
Yes they are.