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Caterpillars are the second stage of a butterfly's life. Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly

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Solon Zboncak

Lvl 13
1y ago
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14y ago

A caterpillar is a worm or a insect. They start out hatching from an egg,, they eat the egg for the first meal. They start eating the plant that they are born on. The most common caterpillar is a monarch. They live in there caterpillar stage for up to two weeks. they can eat over 30000 times there own weight in the caterpillar stage. Then they go into the pupa or crysilis stage. This is a small or big brown black or green. they can go in this stage to late and go into winter, they just hybernate for winter, then the get an early start in spring. This pupae hatchs and a butterflies emerge .They sit on the pupae and let the blood flow in the wings ,this dries the wings and they fly away. They migrate to florida, california and mexico.they mate and lay eggs, then the cycle happens all over again.

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