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Butterflies Generally:

Fly in day

More colorful than moths

Club shaped antennae

Less 'hairy' (fewer hair-shaped scales)

Rest with wings folded together behind their backs

Moths Generally:

Fly at night

Less colorful

Feather shaped antennae

'Hairy' (more hair-shaped scales)

Rest with wings open

The primary difference is the way their wings attach to their bodies.

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Q: What are butterfly characteristics?
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What are characteristics of a butterflies?

Butterfly characteristics is that they have six legs,compound eyes, wings, bilateral symmetry

What are characteristics of the monarch butterfly?

it is kiara Jones pretty ayee

Has characteristics of a butterfly and resembles a bee but without a stinger?

That would probably by a bumble bee moth.

What is the difference between caterpillars that become a butterfly and ones that become a moth?

There are no characteristics to tell if caterpillar is going to be a moth or butterfly. The best way to determine if it is a moth or butterfly is to look at the caterpillar's distinctive markings to see if you can make a species specific identification.

What are the physical characteristics of the Marnoch butterfly?

They flythey can be poisonousthey are usually bright or dark orange and blackthey were insects

What are the characteristics of butterfly fish?

Butterfly fish are saltwater fish. They can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. They are small in size, have colorful bodies, and live in tropical as well as subtropical waters. Butterfly fish have elongated noses and scale type skin.

Is a butterfly net an example of a filter?

No, a butterfly net is not an example of a filter. A filter is a device or material used to separate particles or substances based on specific characteristics, while a butterfly net is used to catch flying insects like butterflies.

Is a butterfly a living or nonliving thing?

non living

What is name of insect resembling cross between butterfly and moth?

The insect you are referring to is likely a moth-butterfly, which is part of a group known as skipper butterflies. These insects have characteristics of both butterflies and moths, such as a stout body like a moth and rapid flight like a butterfly.

Does each monarch butterfly have a unique pattern?

yes i believe all butterflies have different characteristics, no one butterfly is the same.

What is a butterfly is it a genus or a species?

A butterfly is an insect belonging to the order Lepidoptera, which includes both butterflies and moths. It is not a genus or species itself, but rather a common name for a group of insects with distinct characteristics such as colorful wings and a unique life cycle.

What are characteristics of butterflies?

Some of the Characteristics of a butterfly are as follows: * A butterfly's pupa is called a chrysalis. * The antennae (or feelers) of a butterfly are thin and slender, with a club shape at the end. * Most butterflies have very bright colours on their wings. * Butterflies have slender, smooth abdomens. * Butterflies have fine scales. * Butterflies are able to rely on their absorption of solar radiation. * Butterflies are mostly diurnal and come out in the daylight. * Butterflies fold their wings above their backs, although they do occasionally bask in the sun and open their wings.