no, because it is no airplane nor vehicle.
Is a multimodal craft which, when in its main operational mode, flies in close proximity to the surface by utilising surface effect action
The forward motion (when you throw it) and the design of the craft - creates lift under the wing. As the forward motion slows, the aircraft falls to the ground.
First craft was An340
The distance from the tip of the 747 wing to ground is 6.8m / 22.31 ft
It would be said that the Wright Brother invented the airplane wing. They were the first to fly a heavier than air craft.
A Craft Edge of a Wing. Air however passes over this portion of airfoil
A Craft Edge of a Wing. Air however passes over this portion of airfoil
Wing shape means the shape of the wings, of which there are three main types. Straight, Swept-back and Delta. Straight wings are plain straight, and are stable, however, less aerodynamic. The Cessna Skywhawk is a good example. Swept-back is used on faster craft but sub-sonic and are used on craft such as the Boeing 737. The Delta wing is used for craft that fly above Mach 1, such as the Concorde or Space Shuttle.
i want to do my assignmenyt on air craft structures. the forces acting on wing box root cross section.