Yes, Annelids are invertebrate animals .
Neither. Moss is a plant. Invertebrate and vertebrate are classifications of animals.
There are many more invertebrate than vertebrate animals.
Invertebrate animals dont have backbones remember that!
No. an invertebrate is an animal without a backbone.
Invertebrate animals are animals with out Backbones.
All invertebrate animals have a body without a backbone.
An invertebrate predator is any invertebrate that preys on other animals. Spiders, for example, are invertebrate predators, as are praying mantids.
Neither. Moss is a plant. Invertebrate and vertebrate are classifications of animals.
yes sponges are invertebrate animals without backbone
Firstly , what is invertebrate ?? Animals without backbone right ?? Yes . So butterfly .... is it an vertebrate or invertebrate ? YES !
Invertebrate animals are organisms that do not develop a spine. This would be ever organism that are not fish, amphibians, mammals, birds, and reptiles.