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A vertebrate has a spinal cord/bones, an invertebrate has a gelatinous body, a shell, a shell like body, or protective muscles. the quick answer is a vertebrate has a backbone and a invertebrate has no backbone. the hardest part about remembering is tha vertebrate and invertebrate sound so similar. :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Invertebrate - Animals without a backbone

Vertebrate - Animals with an internal skeleton made of bone are called vertebrates.

Invertebrate - Multicellular; no back bone; no cell walls; reproduce sexually; heterotrophic.

Vertebrate - Well-developed internal skeleton; highly developed brain; have advanced nervous system; outer covering of protective cellular skin.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the difference between them is that vertebrate has a backbone and an invertebrate does not for example,worm is invertebrate and a dog is a vertebrate.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Vertebrates have a backbone and invertebrates do not. This is the main difference between the two.

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Q: Two differences to distinguish an invertebrate from a vertebrate?
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