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Q: This worm is a member of Phylum Annelida and Class Polychaeta?
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What class does segmented worms belong to?

Phylum Annelida of which there are three classes: Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, and Hirudinea.

What are the three classes of Phylum Annelida?

The three classes of Phylum Annelida are Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea. Polychaeta are marine worms with bristles called chaetae, Oligochaeta include earthworms with few chaetae, and Hirudinea are leeches that are mostly freshwater and have suckers for attachment.

What worm is a member of phylum annelida and class polycheata?


What phylum and class do earthworms belong to?

The earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida. Phylum Annelida's members are called Annelids.

What is a tubeworms phylum?

Tubeworms belong to the phylum Annelida, which includes segmented worms. They are specifically classified in the class Polychaeta, which comprises marine worms known for their tube-dwelling lifestyle.

What is bristle worm phylum?

Bristle worms belong to the phylum Annelida, which also includes earthworms and leeches. They are segmented worms with bristles along their bodies called chaetae, which they use for movement and protection. Bristle worms are commonly found in marine environments, where they play important roles in the ecosystem by scavenging detritus and preying on small organisms.

What phylum are earthworm a part of?

Phylum Annelida -- Class Oligochaeta

Are mollusks leaches?

No, leaches are from Phylum Annelida and Class Hirudinea, which is completely separate from Phylum Mollusca.

What is the taxonomy of a leech?

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Annelida Class: Clitellata Order: Hirudinea Family: (Varies based on specific species)

What is th kingdom phylum class order family genus species of a segmented worm?

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Annelida Class: Clitellata Order: Haplotaxida Family: Lumbricidae Genus: Lumbricus Species: terrestris

What is the scientific name for marine worms?

Marine worms belong to different taxonomic groups, so their scientific names vary. For example, marine polychaete worms are part of the class Polychaeta, while marine flatworms belong to the class Turbellaria. It's important to specify the type of marine worm to accurately determine its scientific name.

What animal group is an leech in?

Leeches are classified as annelids, which are segmented worms. They are specifically part of the subclass Hirudinea within the phylum Annelida.