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Q: This substance can be found in the scales of a butterfly wing?
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Substance can be found in the scales of a butterfly wing?


What substance can be found in the scales of a butterfly wing?


What gives butterflies there wings colour?

Butterflies get their wing color from tiny scales that cover their wings. These scales reflect and refract light to create the vibrant colors we see. The specific arrangement of scales, as well as pigments and structural properties, determine the butterfly's wing color.

What is blue mountain butterfly wing shape?

butterfly Wing shape

Wing of a viceroy butterfly?

the wing of a viceroy butterfly is like a monarchs but the wing veins aren't straight

What is a butterfly's wing made of?

Butterfly wings are made of membranes and veins. The wings are covered with scales mostly invisible to the naked eye. Wings are many different colors on different butterflies due to the different structures of the wings and the light upon them rather than wing material.

Is a butterflies wing made out of there poop in their pupa?

Butterfly wings are made of two chitonous layers (membranes) that are nourished and supported by tubular veins. The veins also function in oxygen exchange ("breathing"). Covering the wings are thousands of colorful scales, together with many hairs (setae). The name Lepidoptera (which includes butterflies and moths) means "scale wing" in Greek. These wing scales are tiny overlapping pieces of chitin on a butterfly or moth wing. The scales are outgrowths of the body wall and are modified, plate-like setae (hairs). The front and back of the wings usually have different patterns. See

What is the difference between the glass wing butterfly and the painted lady butterfly?

The wings of a glass wing butterfly are transparent, while the painted lady butterfly's wings are not transparent.

Your butterfly has black wings with white spots and an orange triangle in the centre What is it?

The butterfly you are describing sounds like a Monarch butterfly. Monarch butterflies are known for their distinctive black wings with white spots and an orange triangle at the center of each wing. They are famous for their long-distance migration and can be found in North and South America.

Is wing coloration important to the butterfly?

yes sigma is butterfly in Africa's

When Would A Butterfly Wing's Not Flutter?

would a butterflys wing not flutter

What species of butterfly is red and grey?

I search around and I came up with the Apollo butterfly, a white butterfly with two red spots on each lower wing. Click the link below for the link. You didn't give much information, so that was the best I could do.