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Q: The reserve foods of Ascaris are stored where?
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What is the scientific name of ascaris?

The scientific name of ascaris is Ascaris lumbricoides.

What is the common scientific name for Ascaris worm?

The common scientific name for Ascaris worm is Ascaris lumbricoides.

Is a ascaris a vertebrate or invertebrate?

at is ascaris vertibrate or invertibrate

Do ascaris cause anemia?

no,ascaris don't cause anemia

When was Ascaris lumbricoides created?

Ascaris lumbricoides was created in 1758.

When was Ascaris suum created?

Ascaris suum was created in 1782.

What is the energy reserve stored in the body?

The primary energy reserve stored in the body is glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscles. Additionally, the body can also store energy in the form of adipose tissue (body fat) for long-term energy storage.

What is the botanic name for ascaris?

There is no such thing as a "botanic name", and the ascaris, which is a roundworm, is a parasite of mammals, not plants. The genus Ascaris contains 17 known species, each of which has a different specific name.You may have meant to ask "what is the scientific name of the ascaris species that infects humans", in which case the answer would be Ascaris lumbricoides.

Why are foods stored in plant?

they are stored in plant because some food has to grow.

Where is frozen foods stored?

Frozen food is stored in a deep freeze.

Stored form of sugar in humans?

Glycogen is the stored reserve of sugar in the body. It is converted into glucose if our muscles need to respire.

What is the characteristic of ascaris?

the answer is >