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No, they are not vertebrates, they are invertebrates. this is because they instead of having a skeleton on the inside like us, they have an exoskeleton.

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Q: Stick insect is a vertebrate
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Is a giant stick insect a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

Since giant stick insects are insects, and all insects lack a backbone, they are invertebrates. Vertebrate = has a backbone, invertebrate = has no backbone

Is a walking stick insect a vertebrate or invertebrate?

A walking stick insect is an invertebrate. They belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, which includes animals without a backbone.

is a insect a vertebrate or a invertebrate?

An insect is not a vertebrate, as it does not have a backbone.

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A walking stick is an insect and thus an invertebrate.

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A hamster is a vertebrate as it has a backbone. An invertebrate is something without a backbone such as an insect

Is mosquito a mammals?

Not a chance - it is not even a vertebrate.

Is the bogong moth a vertebrate?

The bogong moth is, well, a moth. A moth is an insect, and insects do not have backbones. And the term "vertebrate" refers to an animal with a backbone. No moth is a vertebrate, nor is any other insect.

Why is a stick insect called a stick insect?

Because it looks like a stick!

What are some species of stick insects?

My stick insect is an Indian Stick insect

Does a stick insect remain a stick insect?

yes it does but it will change colour as it grows

Butterfly's a vertebrate?

Nope... a butterfly is an insect - an invertebrate.