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Q: Should you kill bugs or take them outside?
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Should I kill spiders or should I pick them up and take them outside where they belong?

Put the spider outside. It's where it should belong. It has a family...

Why does nicotine kill bugs?

Nicotine is a stimulant - it acts upon the nervous system of bugs causing them to be unable to breath and they suffocate. The same is true for humans - if you take in enough nicotine it becomes more difficult to breath - the nicotine contained in smoke is a lower dosage than if you ate the cigarette. DO NOT eat cigarettes or any other tobacco products - they can kill you as easily as they kill bugs.

What should we do if bed bugs goes in child's mouth?

oh my god, take them to a doctor.

What happens if you find the bed bugs bit you?

Well you will get extreme bumps that can be really big. It will also take very long to cure.

Can you go outside when you have bed bugs?

Of course! just take precautions to avoid spreading the infestation to friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc.

When you catch lightning bugs where do you put them?

Take a peanut butter jar lid poke about 6 holes in the top. Then take the jar outside and find lightning bugs. When you find one, put it in the jar. P.S. make sure your holes aren't to big cause then they will fly out of the jar.

How many bar of 0.01 bromethalin does it take to kill a rat?

If you give him one bar, it should take six days to kill it.

How long does it take to kill the bugs with caffeine?

The time it takes to kill bugs with caffeine can vary depending on the type of insect and the concentration of caffeine used. For some insects, it may take a few hours to a day, while for others it could be more immediate. It's always best to follow the instructions on the product you are using and monitor the insects closely for effectiveness.

What are the tiny black and white bugs -NOT fleas- on my cat?

You should take your cat to the veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis so it can be treated.

Why are some living things larger than others are?

It all depends on how much oxygen they can take in. For instance, when oxygen was supremely abundant millions of years ago, bugs were HUGE, but with less oxygen today, it would be harmful for bugs to grow that big outside of movies.

How long does it take for Diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs?

According to one report between 4 to 10 days, the majority dying off at around 4 days.

Can you let your snake go outside?

No, doing so may introduce a foreign predator into an environment where it SHOULD NOT BE. This WILL harm the environment. Take your snake to a petshop and give it away. If you can not give it away to anyone and really can not keep it anymore, then kill it.