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Allow it to grow until the tips start to show brown then hold off water and as it dies back cut it off just above the bulb, and dry it off, the bulb that is. Some liquid feed after flowering will help next years flowering.

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Q: Should amarelis foliage be cut after blooming?
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When can hyacinth stems be cut?

Hyacinth stems can be cut after the flowers have finished blooming and the foliage starts to turn yellow. It is important to allow the foliage to die back naturally to help the bulb store energy for the next growing season. Cut the stems to ground level once the foliage has dried out completely.

What is cut foliage?

It is a term used by florists. Cut foliage means the same as cut flowers only it's foliage.

When amarylis stops blooming what do you do until next season?

Cut off the old flowering shoot.Liquid feed the bulb once a fortnight until the foliage starts to turn yellow. Cut the foliage down to two inches from bulb and dry off the bulb, give it a rest and start it off again the following year.

Should you cut off agapanthus flowers when they gave finished blooming?

Yes, but only the flower stems not the leaves.

Do you cut back salvia for the winter?

There are a LOT of different types of salvia. Some are perennial and some are annual. If yours is a perennial you should cut it back for the winter. Recommendations differ for different climates, but usually you can cut it back to 6-8 inches. Leave the stems a little taller in Prairie climates.

How do you plant and care for gladiolas in the garden?

Leave them until the foliage has completely yellowed and resist the temptation to cut back the foliage, or the corms won't store up the nutrients they need for the next season. If your area has severe winters, you can dig the corms after the first frost, dry for a few days and then store in paper bags.

Do you cut back Lilies after blooming?

If you cut the main flower back to the buds on the stem you will get a second flush of flowers.

How do you cut down daffodils?

Tulips stems should be cut on a bias. To make them stay fresher for longer, cut them, then roll each stem in newspaper for 2 hours, then cut again.

How do you trim old peonie flower buds?

Best to leave until all foliage has died and then cut off dead foliage to ground level

What to do after daffodils are finished blooming?

After tulips bloom, you can cut the foliage back by half, so they can still store some energy for the next year's flowers. When it gets hot, the leaves will turn yellow and die back. You can then remove the leaves. In the spring they will come up again and repeat the cycle.

Should you prune iris flowers?

Deadhead the flower unless you want the seeds. Every three years, you should thin the iris or it will stop blooming.

Can day lilies be cut back in the summer or fall?

Cut off the old flowers the foliage will die back naturally in the Autumn.