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Q: Scientific name garden soil
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What is scientific name of soil?

The scientific name of soil is pedology. It is the branch of science that deals with the study of soil and its formation, classification, and distribution.

What is the scientific name for a plant with soil?

The scientific name for a plant is determined by its genus and species. Soil does not factor into the naming of a plant.

What is the scientific name for a soil bacterium?

The scientific name for a soil bacterium is typically in the format Genus species, such as Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli.

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How can Nicole improve the garden soil's fertility

What is the scientific name for loam soil?

The scientific name for loam soil is simply "loam." "Loam" refers to a soil texture that is a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay, ideal for plant growth.

What is the scientific name for dirt?

The scientific name for dirt is soil. Soil is made up of minerals, organic matter, water, and air, and it provides essential nutrients for plants to grow.

What is the scientific name for epiphytes?

The scientific name for epiphytes is "Epiphyta," which are plants that grow on other plants without deriving nutrients from the soil.

What is the difference between garden soil and baked garden soil?

akash bhandari

What is the scientific name for a bacillus?

The scientific name for the bacterial genus Bacillus is Bacillus. It is a group of rod-shaped bacteria commonly found in soil and water.

What is the scientific name for roots?

The scientific name for roots is "radix." Roots are the underground part of a plant that anchors it to the soil and absorbs water and nutrients.

Why is Sphagnum moss added to garden soil?

Sphagnum moss is added to garden soil because it helps the plants in the garden grow.

What is the soil condition of the soil in a garden?

That would all depend on where the garden was located. There are so many different types of soil in the world.