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the female mantis is big and bulky in appearance and is at least one inch longer then the male. the male is very slender and graceful looking.

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praying mantis

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Females are bigger. They win.

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It just depends

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Q: Male vs female praying mantis who would win?
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What is the female praying mantis famous for eating?

The female praying mantis are famous for eating the male after mating.

The female praying mantis is famous for eating...?

the female praying mantis is famous for eating the male after mating that's life

Does a mantis have a heart?

Yes, the praying mantis has an organ system consisting of antennae, eyes, wings, digestive organs, and reproductive organs. The female praying mantis is known for eating the male praying mantis after mating.

How many animals get abused during breeding?

If it is by their mate, than it would be the praying mantis. During mating the male fertilizes the egg and then the female bites off the males head... It would suck to be a male mantis...

Do praying mantis die right after sex?

The female does not. The male is often eaten by the female during sexx.

How do you know the difference between a male and female praying mantis when you see one?

By its abdomen. Female: 6 segments. Male: 8 segments.

What are the adaptations of a praying mantis?

The male praying mantis dances around the female to impress her before mating. When feeling threatened, the praying mantis spread their wings and front legs with their mouth open so that they appear taller than their original height. If still feel threatened, the praying mantis will either bite or fly away from the predator.

What are segments on the preying mantis?

The segments on a praying mantis are just there so you can identify if it is a male or female in the early stages of it's life. A female's abdomen has at most 5 segments while a male's has about 7 or more.

How do you maybe it is male or female pray mantis?

The same how you would determine a frog. Get your pinky finger wet and slowly insert it into the praying mantis's rectum and if you feel a fork in the road you know it is dead

Are praying mantis vegetarians?

Funny question! Praying mantis, try spelling it like Preying mantis. Preying means waiting to catch prey. Thus making it a carnivore. ~Amythefairy

What are the behavioral adaptation of a praying mantis?

The male praying mantis dances around the female to impress her before mating. When feeling threatened, the praying mantis spread their wings and front legs with their mouth open so that they appear taller than their original height. If still feel threatened, the praying mantis will either bite or fly away from the predator.

Your praying mantis has a white stripe underneath it on its bell what gender is it?

I don't think if that is how you tell male or female, but im no bug expert. N e wayz i would say female. thanks :)