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Q: Is walking a learned traits
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What is a snakes differencs learned and inherited trait?

inherited traits what you know and learned behaviors are what you leArn..... ex. Walking, running, writing, readin

What is the difference between an inherited trait and a learned behavior and what are to examples of each?

Innate traits are those that you are born with, while learned behaviors are which you learn throughout your life span. Example of innate traits, breathing, and swallowing. Learned Behaviors could include walking, and talking.

What are bison traits?

they either have an inherited traits or learned traits!!! they either have an inherited traits or learned traits!!!

What are learned traits?

Learned traits are characteristics or behaviors that an individual acquires through experience, education, or upbringing, rather than being inherited genetically. These traits can be developed through social interactions, formal education, observation, or practice. Examples of learned traits include language proficiency, communication skills, and cultural preferences.

Is a cat walking a innate or learned behavior?

It is completely a innate behavior, that's like asking if we walking is innate or learned

What learned traits do people have?

People have learned traits such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, time management, empathy, resilience, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. These traits are acquired through education, experiences, and personal development.

What is Traits you learn during your lifetime?

a learned trait

What are tiger learned traits?

Young cougars learn how to hunt and kill prey from their parents.

Learned traits are things that are learned or taught by?

individuals through experiences, education, and training. These traits are not inherited genetically but are acquired through life experiences and interactions with the environment. Examples of learned traits include cultural practices, language skills, and professional abilities.

What is the different between inherited traits and learned traits of crocodiles?

Inherited traits in crocodiles are characteristics passed down from their parents through genes, such as their physical features, behavior, and instincts. Learned traits, on the other hand, are acquired through experience and environmental factors, such as hunting techniques or habitat preferences, and are not inherited genetically.

Does a bottlenose dolphin have inherited traits and learned behaviors if so what are they?

I don

The great person approach stresses that leaders traits are learned?
