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Mosquito bite does not give you typhoid. Typhoid is specifically transmitted by fecal oral route.

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Q: Is typhoid caused by a mosquito bite?
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What is malaria caused by that is transferred to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito?

the female mosquito transfer malaria by its saliva into blood of human , which causes break down of RBCs

What another term malaria is caused transferred to humans by the bite of in infected mosquito?


What was the consequence of creep allowing the mosquito to bite the king?

the consequence of creep not allowing the mosquito to bite the king was that he bit the king before he was asleep which caused him pain then the guards searched for the victim and killed the louse

Can mosquito bite pictures help me determine if my bites are from a mosquito?

Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.

How do you use the word bite in a sentence?

The word "bite" refers to damage caused by the mouth of a human or animal. For example, "I took a bite of the pear," or "I got a mosquito bite."

What happens if male mosquito bite?

a male mosquito can bite you, but they tend to bite animals. Usually large ones like horses

Can a canary die from a mosquito bite?

a canary could die from a mosquito bite if the mosquito has the west nile virus.

Is elepantiasis caused by roundworms?

yes,because if some mosquito bite you it will cause elepantiasis because it is full of worm

Is it a mosquito bite or a spider bite if it's a red swollen spot that itches with a clear blister in the middle?

It is a mosquito bite.

What is a sentence of eradicate?

The World Health Organisation gives priority to eradicating the scourge of malaria, caused by the bite from a female mosquito.

What is the difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite?

The difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite is quite simple. These bites come from two different insects.