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No it's just a rash that's a ring because I have it.

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Q: Is there really a worm in you if you have ringworm?
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How do ringworm reproduce?

ringworm isn't a worm it is a fungi and so the fungi reproduces and not the worm (because it isn't a worm)

Why is ringworm called ringworm?

Ringworm is not a disease caused by a worm. It is actually caused by a fungal infection in the skin which resembles the shape of a coiled worm, which gave this disease its name.

What kind of parasite is ringworm?

RINGWORM is in fact not a parasite, but a fungi. The scientific term for Ringworm is "Tinea" which means "growing worm". (thus here is the origin of the worm part of ringworm, ring is obviously the shape in which the fungi grows, in a circle) It is a common mistake to think that ringworm is a parasite. but it is in fact a fungi.

Is ringworm caused by a fungal infection?

Yes, ringworm is caused by a fungal infection. It is not caused by a worm as the name suggests. The infection is usually caused by dermatophyte fungi that thrive on the skin, hair, and nails.

What worm lives below the lower lip?


What is a ringwaom?

a ringworm is a worm that digs in your skin as a baby.

What type of worm eats fat cells?


What temperature kills ringworm?

You could not get your skin hot enough to kill the ringworm without burning yourself.

Does ringworm affect the dermis?

does ring worm effect the epidermis

Is ringworm really a worm?

no it is not a autual worm , well it is shape like it. its like when u have a pimple but a little bigger and it feels a bit rough, but if i were u i should tell ur doctor so the doctor will help.

Can elimite kill ringworm?

No. In spite of its name, ringworm is a fungus, not a worm/parasite. The treatment is antifungal medication, not antihelminthic medication.

Is ringworm a mutualistic relationship?

no wringworm is a worm that causes irritation in the bowels