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Because she is the main bee she can only LOVE other bees she not related to and all the other bees are family so she is the one who has to set of to find other bees to LOVE .the rest dont.


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13y ago

otherwise, itd be like two different kings ruling a country. thered probably be a war.

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Normally only one, but under certain circumstances their can be two temporarily.

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Cause she's boss.

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Q: Is there more than one queen bee in a hive?
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Related questions

How many queen bees are there in hive?

There is only 1 queen bee in th hive.

What is the most important bee in the hive?

The Queen

What bee is the busiest in the hive and why?

The Queen Bee. She makes all the honey but the Bee's collect it.

What is the reason for having a queen bee?

The reason that they have a queen bee is that the queen is the only one that makes the baby bees in the entire bee hive.

What is a Queen bee called?

A queen bee is the dominant female bee in a colony. She is responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the hive's population.

Where is the queen bee usually?

The queen bee is normally in the hive producing eggs which later turn into bees. She is also yes in the hive but telling the worker bees what to do.

How do you make a queen bee leave the nest?

The queen bee of a hive does not leave the nest by any means. Without a queen bee, a hive simply cannot exist. If one were to remove the queen bee, it would be a matter of hours before the hive is in complete chaos. In the event the queen bee is about to die, there is already a "lady-in-waiting" to take her place. In simpler terms, the queen cannot be persuaded to leave. It is simply not in their design.

What is the most interesting thing about the queen bee?

The Queen Bee gives birth to all the babies in the hive.

Why are there so many bees in a bee hive?

Because the hive is always at work along with taking care of the queen bee.

Where does a queen bee live?

A queen bee typically lives in the hive along with worker bees. She can be found in the central area of the hive known as the brood chamber where she lays eggs. The queen is the largest bee in the colony and plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of the hive.

How many number of queen bees are there in bee hive?


What is the food fed to the queen bee in a hive?

Royal jelly.