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Ladybugs and Bees are both classed as insects and therefore share many physical characteristics, such as:

* 3 body parts, head thorax and abdomen * 3 pairs of legs, 6 legs in total * An exoskeleton as a supportive frame * A pair of antenna

* Two pairs of wings * Both need air, water and food to live

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Q: Is there anything the same about ladybugs and bees?
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What are three insects that are beneficial to green houses?

Ladybugs bees and ladybeetles Anything that pollinats or eats parasites.

What are some bugs?

Spiders, Bees, Butterflies, flies, ants, ladybugs, beetles, ladybugs, and The insects that suck blood.

How are ladybugs and bees different?

Although bees and ladybirds are both insects, there are many differences between them, such as: * Bees live in Hives, Ladybirds do not * Bees have stingers, Ladybirds have no sting, but they do bite * Bees feed on pollen and nectar, Ladybirds live on aphids and other small insects. * Bees live in colonies and are dependent of the social structure, Ladybirds are independent. Bees and ladybugs belong to completely different insect orders and are therefore about as different as crocodiles and hippopotamuses. Bees are hymenoptera, ladybugs are beetles.

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Type your answer here... bees ladybugs ...

Do ladybugs eat anything else?

Ladybugs eat other insects and their larvae.

Can ladybugs do anything with their feet?

They can walk

What are the names of some Insects?

Butterflies, Bees, Wasps, Cockroaches, Moths, Ladybugs, Ants, Scorpions and Mosquitoes!

Can bees beep and boop?

Yes, bees can do anything

What do spots mean on ladybugs?

The number of spots is dependent on the species - there are several species of ladybugs - and doesn't really mean or indicate anything else..

What do bees talk about?

can bees talk about anything else besides from the location of the food?

Do bees kill ladybug?

Yes. They compete with each other for prey such as aphids, mealy bugs, mites, scales, and whiteflies. If they've no other food source, then they turn on each other. This is particularly a problem with Asian ladybugs. These non-natives are out-competing native ladybugs for prey. And they consider native ladybugs prey.

What are some animals that are insects?

there are many types of insects including ladybugs butterflys grasshopers lacewings ants bees and more ( spiders are NOT insects)