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No. There is no such thing as antivenin for anything.

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Q: Is there an Antivenin for a Brown Recluse bite?
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SHould I be concerned with a brown recluse spider bite during pregnancy?

You should be concerned with a bite from a brown recluse at anytime...they are poisonous and the bite can be fatal....ummm ER-quickly!

What kind of spider has a triangle shaped bite?

Brown Recluse Spider

How does a brown recluse spider protect its self?

inflict a very venomous bite!

Which is worse brown recluse bite or staph infection?

Brown recluse is worse than a staph infection. Staph infection is on most surfaces that you touch daily and your body can fight it off easier than the fast progressing bite.

Can a brown recluse spider bite kill your 4 year old?

Yes. If you suspect that your child has been bitten by a brown recluse spider, seek immediate medical attention.

Is there any brown recluse spider in Norman?

yup it would bite your leg off too!

What are small flesh colored bugs that bite?

the only one i know is the brown recluse spider.

What kind of bite is a red circle with tan in the middle?

A red circle with tan in the middle could potentially be a spider bite, particularly from a brown recluse or a hobo spider. It is important to monitor the bite for any signs of infection or worsening symptoms and seek medical attention if needed.

What kind of spiders bite you in your sleep in san Diego?

Black widow, brown widow, and desert recluse.

What happens when you get bitten by a brown recluse spider?

Go to the emergency room immediately (putting ice on the bite area isn't a bad idea, but it is not a substitute for proper treatment). The bite of a brown recluse can cause necrosis; it's bad for an adult and can easily be fatal to an infant.

What are some things you can do to treat a brown recluse spider bite after about a week and a half?

you should go to a doctor immediatly espcially if you are certain it was a brown recluse because if it is on one of your limbs you may have to have surgery or lose your limb

Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.