Neem is an herb in the sense of its flowers, leaves and seeds being employable as flavoring, food, medicine or perfume even though it is not an herb in the sense of a seed-bearing plant that dies down to the ground after flowering and that lacks a woody stem. Azadirachta indica may not be considered a shrub since the latter must not mature to heights beyond 30 feet (9.14 meters). Neem trees typically mature to respectively minimum and maximum, 49.21- to 131.23-foot (15- to 40-meter-) heights
Neem is a larger tree of India, the leaves are a natural pesticide, the fruit yields an oil and the bark is used to make a tonic
herb shrub
Jute plant is a herb
Lemon is neither an herb nor a shrub. It is a tree.
a shrub
It is a fungus.