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Q: Is it OK to go swimming after a wasp sting?
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What coluor would a wasp sting go if you added universal indicator?

Most wasp stings have a neutral pH, around 7. If a wasp sting was added to a universal indicator, it would turn a shade of green. Also tern is actually spelt turn

Can you go swimming with a sty in your eye?

Do not go swimming because the sty will sting and get worse from the chlorine in the water.

Can you go blind if a wasp stings you in the eye?

You would not go blind but you would most likely need a surgery to get the stinger out and to prevent or get rid of any infection that the wasp could have given you due to the sting.

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Can you go swimming after a bee sting?

well my answer is maybey not or i don't know becaus really i haven't gotten stinged and then go swimming so id say no

Does lemon juice neutralise wasp sting?

the acidic lime juice should bring the pH level back to neutral since the wasp sting is alkaline which causes the pH loevel to go up. This would netrulize it but it might not stop the pain. ---- Actually, the pH of wasp venom is between 7.2 and 7.5, so it is almost neutral. The use of vinegar or lemon juice is an old wives' tale and actually has no effect.

Why do stingrays live at the bottom of the ocean?

so it doesn't sting you when you decide to go naively swimming in the ocean . . .

What do you wear when you go to swimming lessons in year 5?

I would have thought swimming shorts would be ok

Do hornets die after a sting?

If you mean bee or wasp stings, then the answer is yes although it hardly ever happens. Some people are allergic to the formic acid of the sting and can go into anaphylactic shock from which they COULD die if they don't get treatment. But as I said, it hardly ever happens.

What happens if you get sting by a black wasp?

The sting and the area around it will hurt badly, and will swell up a bit if you are not allergic. If you are allergic go to the hospital right away. To help the sting afterward (if you're not allergic) soak the stung area in epsom salt and water to get out the toxins if possible.

Is it ok to go swimming with a low grade fever?

No. Not a good idea.