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June Douglas

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2y ago
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14y ago

An algae eater is a species of fish and snails, and fish and snails are both invertebrates and vertebrates, because fish have backbones but snails don't.

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Q: Is an algae eater a invertebrate?
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Related questions

What family is a Algae eater in?

The Pleco is of the Loricariidae family. The Chinese Algae Eater is of the Gyrinocheilidae family.

Are algae eaters scaleless fish?

It depends on what you are calling an "algae eater." A pleco is considered a scaleless fish. A Siamese or Chinese algae eater does have scales.

What if I had a six gallon tank with two small fish and about a two inch algae eater we have had the algae eater for about six weeks and there is algae everywhere you look how can i take care of this?

An algae eating species of any type isn't capable of eating all the algae in the tank. Your going to have to clean the tank yourself. The algae eater will from then on keep the algae levels in your tank down, but not totally.

Why does an algae eater eat a goldfish?

Because when a Algae Eater becomes fully grown it likes to eat the slime coat off the other fish. ( NOT all Algae eaters though) for example the Chinese Algae Eater WILL eat the slime coat off the other fish when it is fully grown.

Can you put algae tablets in the aquarium without killing an algae eater?

I suppose so

Can Oscar fish live with algae eater fish?

Yes, I have had lots of experience with Oscars. One of mine died recently from a sickness. Algae eater fish are not dominant, in this case the Oscar does not take it as a threat and does not bother it. The answer to your question is yes, an Oscar can live with an algae eater fish.

What are types of algae?

Pleco - Suckermouth catfish , Siamese Algae Eater, Albino Algae Eater , Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco ,Oto Catfish , Plecostomus ( Very aggressive and go well with Oscar ) All algae eaters go well with Oscars.

Why is your turtle curious with the algae eater?

he wants a partner

Will a algae eater eat a goldfish when they are alone?

NO, not usually.

How big does a Chinese algae eater get?

6 inches

What do you do feed your alge fish when there is no alge in the fish?

If you have an algae eater and no algae you can go to any pet shop and get algae waffers.

Do algae eater wont move or is it dead?

If your algae eater is not moving, it could be resting or feeling stressed. Check the water parameters such as temperature, pH, and ammonia levels to ensure they are within the appropriate range. If the water conditions are suitable and the fish still doesn't move, gently nudge it to see if it reacts. If there is no response, it could be a sign that the fish is unwell or deceased.