A sea urchin is considered a crustacean. They are related to sea stars, sea cucumbers. They eat small fish and algae.
Yes! A turtle is a crustacean because it has a shell! Crustaceans are animals with shells!
Type your answer here... when they are babs they eat jelly fish shrimp and crustacean but adults are herbavores
No. Sea slugs are Gastropods.
# green turtle # box turtle # wood turtle # stinkpot turtle
A Sea Turtle on a Sea turtle doing it
No they are considered a crustacean.
they eat small sea life.
The leatherback sea turtle is related to the loggerhead sea turtle
Green Sea Turtle
Carp Catfish Cirriped (crustacean) Clam Cleaner-wrasse Clingfish Clown anemone fish Cod Coelacanth (various fishes) Conch Cooter (freshwater turtle) Copepod (freshwater crustacean) Coral Corydoras (freshwater fish) Cottonmouth (water snake) Crab Crayfish Crocodile Crown-of-thorns starfish Crustacean Cuttlefish
The leatherback sea turtle is a sea turtle, which is classified as a reptile.
A Kemp's Ridley sea turtle is a critically endangered sea turtle.