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No, a pink toed tarantula would be a consumer.

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Q: Is a pink toed tarantula a producer?
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What is the predator of the Peruvian Pink Toed Tarantula?

The preadator of the Peruvian Pink Toed Tarantula is the the lizard of Manacasger

Where are pink toe spiders located?

The Pink-toed Tarantula or Pink-toed Tree Spider is found in Brazil, Trinidad, Martinique, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela, and throughout the Amazon Basin.

Is a pink toed tarantula a herbivore?

Tarantulas live on insects, the same as common Spiders do.

Does a pink-toed tarantula die a painful death if the temperature is not right?

Possibly, always make sure that the temp. is right

How big should a female Pink-Toed tarantula be at 6 months?

Probably about 1 to 11/2 inches across the legs. It depends on the individual spider - how much it's eaten - how many times it's moulted etc..

Will a pink toed tarantula eat a green anole?

Yes but they should be eating dubia roaches or crickets with an occasional pinky mouse. Absolutely do not give them calcium powder on their food. Limit their pinkys to an occasional treat as they do contain calicum.

Are pink toed tarabtulas poisonous?

Pink toed tarantulas are predators. They do not eat plants. They usually eat insects but have been known to eat small lizards.

How many eyes does a pink toed tarantula have?

The same as other spiders - eight eyes. They're in a small 'cluster' on top of the body.

What does rose hair tarantula eat?

crickets and pinkies (small pink baby mice)

Do pink toe tarantulas hibernate?

Pink Zebra Beauty Tarantula same with other tarantula moult or molt. Moult or molt is also known as sloughing, shedding, ecdysis in which an animal routinely casts off a part of its body such as skin.

Are pink toed tarantulas cool?

yes they make perfect pets for tweens and teens! i have one and its a dream!

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