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Yes. Most of them are in the class Scyphozoa, which is in the invertebrates phylum Cnidaria.

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Q: Is a jellyfish an invertibrate
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Is a jellyfish a invertibrate?


Is the nyala antelope an invertebrate?

By definition, an invertibrate is an animal without a backbone, such as a worm or jellyfish. So the Nyala Antelope is most certainly NOT an invertibrate.

What is the meaning of invertibrate?

An invertebrate means something that has no back bone ( e.g Jellyfish)

What is an invertebrate in scienece?

an invertebrate is a animal that does not have a backbone or a back column. for example a jellyfish is an invertibrate.

Why are jellyfish vertebrates?

They aren't.Vertebrate means spine, backbone, and jellyfish don't have that.They aren't, jellyfish are invertebrates because they do no have a backbone. they are also a group within the invertibrates called molluscs, they are an invertibrate with a soft body like an octopus.

Is plankton an invertibrate?

Yes It Is A Invertibrate

Is a grasshoppper a invertibrate?

a grasshopper is an invertibrate

Is a cockroach vertibrate or Invertibrate?

yes yes it is an invertibrate

Is fish an invertibrate or a vertibrate?

Yes. the spine/backbone is made up of many vertebrae joined together, and invertebrate doesn't have this (e.g. jellyfish, worms etc) and a vertebrate have a spine (e.g. fish, humans)

Is a hag fish vertibrate or invertibrate?

hag fish is invertibrate having skull but no vertebral column

Is a spider an invertibrate?

no its an Arachnid

Is a fly a invertibrate?
