Yes,they can carry disease,West Nile ,malaria, that is harmful yes mosquito is harmful The Mosquito carries many potentially dangerous diseases and as the move from one person, or animal, to another, they infect the new host with these diseases. The Mosquito with the most infamous reputation is that of the Anopheles genus. In Africa alone this tiny insect kills one child under the age of five every thirty seconds. That totals around 3000 every day and nearly one and half million in a single year. The mosquito is also known for transmitting malaria and this claims the lives of around one to three million people every year. Even if a person survives the first stages of malaria, it is a disease that they will have to battle for the rest of their lives, and will most probably result in death years after the first infection. It is commonly agreed that malaria is one of the top killers in the world, and the main cause of infection results from the tiny mosquito.
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The adult mosquito can fly while the young of the mosquito cannot fly.
The mosquito was as small as a tip a tip of a pencil.
A young mosquito.
The opposite of a mosquito would be an organism that does not feed on blood or cause harm to humans. In this context, a common example of an opposite organism could be a butterfly, which is harmless to humans and feeds on nectar instead of blood. Additionally, a mosquito predator like a dragonfly could also be considered an opposite, as it preys on mosquitoes to control their population.
to keep mosquito's from biting you while you sleep, in hot mosquito infested country's where mosquito's can carry disease.
Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.
Mosquito is invertebrate .
The plural of mosquito is mosquitoes.
a baby mosquito is a family
mosquito sucks the blood