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Q: In Plants vs Zombies what is the point of clicking on the flowers in the menu?
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Does a potato have a flower?

Yes, the plants are covered with small white flowers at one point in their development.

What is the point of flowers?

The point o flowers is to change co2 or carbon dioxide to ox or oxegen.

What plant produces and blooms seeds?

Plants that produce flowers, which then turn into fruit and seeds, are called angiosperms. The earliest angiosperms evolved at some point during the early Cretaceous period. Angiosperms include most familiar plants and most plants that humans use, such as fruit trees, grasses, bamboo, grains, palms, oak trees, and anything else with flowers.

What is that game called where you keep clicking the mouse?

Point and Click

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Will flowers freeze when the dew point is 32 degrees?

It is very possible that flowers will freeze when the dew point is 32 degrees. You need to protect your flowers from freeing by placing a sheet over them.

What happens when you get to round 99 on zombies?

Nothing special happens. The zombies at this point will take massive amounts of ammunition to fell and your console may start slowing down because of the sheer amount of zombies on the screen.

In access you can place an insertion point by clicking in the field or by pressing what?


What is a type of inflorescence characteristic to plants such as parsley fennel wild fennel wild carrot and dill?

The type of inflorescence characteristic to plants such as parsley, fennel, wild fennel, wild carrot, and dill is called an umbel. An umbel is a cluster of flowers that are attached to the stem at the same point and appear to radiate from that point.

List of shade perennial flowers?

Bleeding heart Astilbe Lady Fern Hosta Delphinium all plants flower at some point, the Astilbe, and Delphinium are the only ones with lasting blooms

How do I play hell of sand?

Usually, there is a list of items you can use, to "be a god" and do what ever you will with the zombies. I call them The Villagers. What I usually do is spawn them, cover the sky in spout, and put some plants on the ground. Watch them grow, put a wax fuse next to a plant, and viola. You have a disaster waiting to crush the zombie rebellion! There is no "point" to playing this game, just freeform killling of zombies.

Does the world at war demo have zombies?

No, not at all. Zombies is only available through completing the full game. There would be no point in doing this if that mode was just a free download in the demo.