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turn off internet then ur safe

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: If you have your computer off is it unable to be invaded by a virus?
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Do viruses harm your computer even when its off?

No it cannot because a virus affects the process of a computer. if the computer is off there are no processes. but the computer will still have a virus.... use anti- virus programs to be rid of it.

How do you make a virus?

Turn the computer off.

Is zwinky ok to load on computer?

no it has a virus mine got a virus off that

Should you turn off your computer if you have a virus?

If you mean off as in computer is shut off with no power, then no. If your computer is on but off the internet, it is still possible. If you plug in a thumb drive or an SD card that has a virus on it, or a CD or DVD with a virus on it, then it could get infected.

How will regular backups help if you are infected with a computer virus?

It will help save files on your computer and will help clear the virus off

How do you remove bloodhound virus when you are unable to download any software because of computer pop ups with Microsoft Explorer has a problem?

Delete internet explorer off your computer. Get a copy of firefox, and load it onto your comp. then download a virus scanner, i recommend Trojan hunter by mischel security (Google it)

How will making regular backups help if you are infected with a computer virus?

It will help save files on your computer and will help clear the virus off

When you delete Trojan virus off your computer why does your computer stop working?

You computer is working furiously to get rid of the virus, but it has not stopped working. give it a while to finish and it will be okay.

Is the program called GEMP loader a virus?

Yes. It is a virus. I would get it off your computer right away if you have it.

What is a computer virus and how might you get one?

A computer virus is something that may damage or delete files off your computer. it only comes when you download or open an attachment that you dont know.

What do you do if you get a virus on your computer and you give it to someone to get rid of the virus and they wipe everything off your computer?

you will have to ask for the contents of your computer if they dont have it you will have to re load everything or serch the hard drives for it

How do you remove a virus off of the computer that causes the computer screen to change color?

Use a virus removal tool like Spybot Search & Destroy...duhhhhh.