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Q: If queen ant can live 15 years how many years can the regular ants live?
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Related questions

How long do ants live without there queen?

Queen ants live 10 to 20 years, but many claims suggest that they can live up to 30 years.

What is the average lifespan of an ant?

The average lifespan of an ant can vary depending on the species, but generally, it ranges from a few weeks to several years. Queen ants, responsible for reproduction, can live for several years, while worker ants typically have shorter lifespans.

How long do bullet ants live?

A Bullet ant usually will live for up to 90 days. There are other species of ants that have shorter lifespans and longer lifespans. The queen can live much longer than the regular worker Bullet ants.

Do ants die at the age of 6?

Queen ants can live for up to 30 years, and female workers live from 1 to 3 years. Males, however, are short-lived and live for only a few weeks.

How long do carpenter ants live?

Carpenter ants can live for several years, with queens living the longest. Worker ants typically live for 1-3 years, while queens can live for 10-15 years or more. The lifespan of carpenter ants can be influenced by factors such as food availability and environmental conditions.

How long do red ants live?

Harvester ants live 2-6 months, but fire ants live about 3.Read more: How_long_can_ants_livepls like this thanks for reading:)

How long long do ants live?

i think they live about a week each and so the queen has to keep suppling ants. take it from me who has many dogs, cats, lizards, fish, and bugs. :)

Which creature lives in a formicary?

Ants live in a formicary, which is a nest or colony they build to live in. Within the formicary, ants work together to raise their young, store food, and protect the queen.

What age do ants live too?

about a week (if they don't get squashed) i have heard that queen ants can live up to a month or 2

How long do black ants live for?

There are about 47 different species of leaf cutter ants discovered so far. Their life expectancy would differ depending on their exact species, other than environmental dangers such as predators.The average lifespan of a worker leaf cutter is about one or two years. The lifespan of the queen however is fifteen to twenty years.Related Link:Leaf-Cutting Ant information, via Cincinnati ZooRelated Video:

How can qeen ants live for?

they have a queen to produce the larva so that they can have more workers.and to give out more ants incase of deaths.

What is an ant house?

a house for ants. where they live and eat food and mate with the queen.