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not very strong

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Q: How powerful are locusts hind legs?
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How do frogs jump so well?

Frogs can jump well because they have very powerful muscles in their hind legs.

Whose legs are stronger a horse or kangaroo?

Kangaroos have more powerful hind legs, but horses have stronger forelegs.

Can a kangaroo break bones?

A kangaroo's powerful hind legs can easily break bones.

What is the name of the legs kangaroos use to defend themselves?

Kangaroos are known to rear up on their tails and use their hind legs to kick. Their hind legs are very powerful and can cause severe damage to a human or animal.

What do kangaroos features do?

they have a pouch at there front to carry offspring and the have very powerful hind legs for jumping.

When was Hind Hind Legs created?

Hind Hind Legs was created on 2006-04-18.

How powerful is echidna poison?

The echidna does not have poison. Although it does have spurs on its hind legs (like the platypus) it is not poisonous.

How many hind legs does a butterfly have?

4 hind legs

How does a mother kangaroo protects her baby from dingoes?

using her powerful hind legs to kick out, which can cause major injuries

Do tadpoles grow front legs first?

Yes, tadpoles grow hind legs first. Front legs typically develop after the hind legs.

Do beetles have jumping hind legs?

Fleas jump with their hind legs, not beetles.

Why do rabbits have long hind legs?

Rabbits have long hind legs to help them in their primary mode of escape, which is running. The powerful muscles in their hind legs provide them with speed and agility to evade predators. Additionally, long hind legs allow rabbits to make quick, sudden leaps to safety.