you do not nescarrrilary feed your snail more than once a day because you are supposed to stcik lettuce, cucumbers, kiwi, strawberries, etc in its habitat, and leave it there. always replace food the next day with new food. good luck.
ps, i have a garden snail right now in a critter keeper. his name is bob and is very cute.
good luck
feed it more often
feed it once a week
if you have African land snails as pets you will no what they (your ones) like, every group of snails in a tank can share 1 peice of cuttle fish all you do is wash it and put it in the tank ontop of the mud and they will suck it to make there shell strong. BUT you need to wash it very well first or the gurms from it could cause them to die BUT you need to give them a bit or they WILL DIE ANYWAY.
It is not advised to feed celery to snails as it's been known to kill them.
Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.
African snail will eat the alge and sometime plant in your aquarium and or you can feed them alge tablets, them will also eat the lelfover food that you feed to your fish. (If you have some). Hope that help!!!
They feed them snails, and lizards.
All snails that I know of eat algae.
They won't eat it...
Hi, I just feed our normal fruit & veg but make sure its very well washed
snails eat algae and aquatic plants