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Males and females mate during the first 3 to 5 days after they have emerged. Females mate only once.

Generally a female will only live long enough to lay 1 to 3 batches of eggs.

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Q: How often an adult mosquito lay eggs?
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Where do female mosquito lay their eggs?

They lay their eggs on the water(Just Guessing)

Where does mosquito lay eggs?


Can male mosquito lay eggs?


Why blood is required to lay egg by female mosquito?

To develop eggs to lay an animal needs to eat food. The food of a mosquito is blood, thus blood is required before the female mosquito can lay eggs.

Why do mosquito lay eggs in stagant water?


Do mosquitoes give birth or lay eggs?

Mosquitos lay eggs. They are not classified as mammals, they are classified as insects.

How many eggs can a mosquito lay?

Adult female mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water or on aquatic plants. There are 2500 different species of mosquitoes. The most obvious types are Culex mosquitoes which lay an egg raft (attached eggs) in stagnant water. The raft will consist of 100-300 eggs, and the female will be able to produce one raft every third night during her life.

Why do mosquitoes lay their eggs on water?

Because there's a mosquito life cycle... it starts of with an egg and then it lays its eggs in the water because the egg hatches in to a larva which comes to the surface to breath. The Larva eats micro organisms in the water then later on sheds its skin 4 times... and grows bigger. The it turns into a Pupa which is an undeveloped adult mosquito. it takes two days for it to fully become an adult. The skin splits and it emerges as an adult.

What are the two differences between the life cycle butterfly and mosquito?

the butterfly collect nectar while the mosquito suck blood. some mosquito are contagious like malaria and dengue. but butterfly are not so contagious like mosquito as they do not suck blood.

Where might adult frogs lay eggs?

adult frogs normally lay eggs in ponds or still water areas

Why do flies often lay eggs on spoiled meat?

Flies will often lay eggs on spoiled meat because they are attracted to the smell of the meat. The meat will provide a place for the eggs to incubate and also a source of food once the larvae hatch.

Is mosquito oviparous or viviparous animal?

Female and male Mosquitoes are oviparous animal because it lays 1000 eggs