$25-$200, depending on make, model, and condition. We can't answer without some information- like asking what a car is worth.
25-1500 usd
a32 caliber black power connecticut a thousand dollar
10-1000 USD depending on specifics
100-1000 or more depending on specifics
You would have to give more information. Exactly what brand, model, caliber, and what condition is it in?
go to: thefirearmsforums.com once on site go to forum: 'ask the pro's what's it worth'....................
How much more does a 30 caliber revolver recoil than a 9mm?Thanks
Revolver, made in Germany, buffalo on the grips? $75-$100 in very good condition.
Less than $100.00
Maybe 100 or so
$25-$75. Low cost firearms, no longer imported, indifferent quality. Same with the 22lr, 22mag, and 38spl.