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Thousands, depending on the amount of food, type of climate, and the size hive that the coloney posseses.

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Q: How many young do the queen bee have?
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How many egg will the queen bee have?

2000 ova (or eggs) are laid by queen bee in a single day.

Which bee feed the egg-laying bee and look after the young?

The queen bee is responsible for laying eggs. Worker bees feed the young bees and look after them until they are able to take their place in the hive.

What is the father mother and young one of bee?

Farther: drone Mother: queen/worker Young one: larva

Which bee feed the egg-laying bee and look after young?

The queen bee is responsible for laying eggs. Worker bees feed the young bees and look after them until they are able to take their place in the hive.

How many eggs can a queen bee lay in a years time?

On an average 2000 ova (or eggs) are laid by queen bee in a single day. so in a year a queen bee will lay approximately 7,30,000 eggs.

How many babies can a honey bee have?

The queen bee gives birth to all the bee's in the hive and she has millions of sons

How many eggs dose the queen bee lay?

A queen honey bee can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs per day.

How does a queen bee become queen bee?

a matter of size

How many queen bees alive?

On average, a honey bee colony has only one queen bee at a time. However, the queen bee's lifespan can vary depending on various factors such as environmental conditions and genetics. In general, a queen bee can live for two to five years.

What is a Queen bee called?

A queen bee is the dominant female bee in a colony. She is responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the hive's population.

How many queen bees are there in hive?

There is only 1 queen bee in th hive.

Which bees feed the egg laying bee and look after the young?

The queen bee is responsible for laying eggs. Worker bees feed the young bees and look after them until they are able to take their place in the hive.