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0 Additional Info: The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, isn't really a living creature. It is an internet hoax that was created by Lyle Zapato in 1998. He claimed it was a creature that lived in both the ocean, and on land near streams and rivers. For more details see sites listed below. Also..This might be referring to the Octopus Tree, which is a living tree Sitka Spruce, also (Picea Sitchensis). They can be found at Cape Meares Lighthouse, Wildlife Refuge, and State Scenic Viewpoint, in Orgeon. It is a traditional Indian burial tree, that has been shaped from the time it was young to hold the canoes of a chief's family. Evidence found along the shores indicate Indians lived there for 3,000 years. The tree which the Indians held in reverence was called "The Council Tree". For more information see site listed.

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Do tree octopuses live in trees?

Tree octopuses do not exist. All octopuses are marine (live in the ocean).

Is the tree octopuses?

Tree octopuses aren't real because if they were they would have to be in water to stay alive.I honestly don't believe that tree octopuses change a different color when their mood changes. Please don't believe this, it is not real.Thanks,have a great day.

Are the northwest tree octopuses real?

The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was an internet hoax created in 1998 by Lyle Zapato.

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